Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Magic: The Gathering

I used to play Magic: The Gathering. Correction, I used to be VERY GOOD at Magic: The Gathering. I started out being very bad at it. It took me a while to catch on to the intricacies of deck building, and it took even longer for me to realize that how you play a deck is more important than how you build a deck. But, once I hit that point, I was in a state of nirvana.

Here I was, the guy who won some lost some, the guy who never really had a chance, going out and winning Friday Night Magic four times in a row out of nowhere. Winning drafts, playing online, talking to high-profile pros that placed top 8 in worlds online. I had no money but I still kept playing, just to prove to people that had money that you dont need it to win.

I was writing articles for websites, I was a moderator for one of the better-known Magic forums. There was little about the game I didn't understand.

And then, I went to college and I quit. I was so good at it, and it was such a big part of my life. And I quit. I just remembered this, and I had to talk about it.

I miss it. I miss when I first realized how good I actually was. I miss talking to some of the people I used to talk too. I miss having influence over my circles decks and ideas. I've never really been "the man" with anything else in my life. I'm okay at World of Warcraft, but on my server alone there's countless people who are better than me.

But I had the capability to top 8 Regionals, man. REGIONALS.

And I just let it go when I started playing World of Warcraft and went off to college.

It's depressing, I suppose. Maybe one day I'll pick it back up. Or I'll find something else that I can be great at. I just wanna be good at things. That's evidently a lot to ask, though. Oh well.

Consider this the flashback of my nerdy past.

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